Do the domain that was created by default is not the domain that you intended. Or when you setup zimbra you were not paying attention and server name got added in front of the domain ie instead of just Now you need to setup the ham, spam, galsync, and virus-quarantine accounts to your new domain. Lets start with ham and spam. From zimbra webadmin find the spam and ham accounts under manage and then search individually for ham and spam. They will have random characters after the name. We will need the full name of both accounts. Right click to edit the account and under account name change the domain to your newly created domain and save. Do this for both accounts. Also get the names of both accounts. You can copy and paste them to use in the following command line. As zimbra user on the mail server run these commands. You can also check the current spam accounts with zmprov gcf zimbraSpamIsSpamAccount zimb...
In an earlier post I mentioned how to tag/add EXTERNAL to the subject header on exim. I made the changes on our Sophos UTM which may require re-applying the configuration files after Sophos UTM update. I ended up adding and elif block to act on outgoing emails in the exim.system_filter file this is the block I added. Change your domain as appropriate and add additional lines if you need to. elif $header_from: contains ">" and $header_to: does not contain ">" and $header_subject: contains "[EXTERNAL]" then headers add "Old-Subject: $h_subject:" headers remove "Subject" headers add "Subject: ${sg{$h_old-subject:}{[[]EXTERNAL[]]}{}}" headers remove "Old-Subject" endif This is the full exim.system_filter file To have the $h_from or $header_from act on the domain part and not the display name part if someone was trying to spoof the from name I added the > at the ...